Black Belt English celebrates its 2nd anniversary this month!
We now have over fifty members enjoying our classes; and we are grateful for each and every one of our students.
Karate Students
Our karate program has really evolved and improved over the past year.
The English used in the karate class seems to have greatly improved some students’ listening skills. The joy of participating in an English speaking activity has even led a few to enroll in English conversation classes as well. We are so happy to see people become more enthusiastic about learning English, or simply become more comfortable and confident in communicating with a native English speaker.
With more emphasis placed on mastery of the basics, our students’ technique and focus have improved significantly since last year. The increase in their speed and power is noticeable, and the confidence and strength they are showing in their self-defense skills is impressive.
To our Karate in English students – keep up the good work!! Remember there is no “maybe” in karate! You can choose either karate = NO or karate = YES. If you come to the dojo, be ready to give 100%! It’s the only way you will improve!
English Students
Our English conversation classes have grown significantly over the past year. We have worked hard to provide services and instruction that help fill in the gaps left by more traditional methods of teaching. Primarily, this involves our focus on listening, speaking, and USING English. Many students in Japan study the English language, but few can actually engage in activities and social functions where they can actually use the language. Our program was developed to help with that problem.
Our adult classes are geared towards having students develop the ability to carry on a natural conversation in English, while our Play and Talk program encourages younger students to communicate in English while playing different games. Each class is different, as we strive to make every one enjoyable and memorable.
To our English 4 You and Play and Talk Students – Keep talking! Instead of coming to class ready to listen and take notes --- Come to class with something to say! This is your chance to learn how to improve your English conversation skills!