Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Shizen Ryu Budo

Shizen Ryu Budo Shizen Ryu Budo is a system of mixed martial arts, started in Japan by Robert Eugene Knott Jr. (8th dan in karate-do). Shizen Ryu Budo emphasizes natural body movements, relaxation, and healthy breathing rhythm in its teachings. Students learn karate-do kata, taekwondo kicking, hapkido/aikido locks and throws, kenpo routines, and the basics of bojutsu. At the black belt levels, students also delve into self-protection methods used by law-enforcement and military personnel to disarm and disable life-threatening adversaries.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Celebrating 5 years and 100+ students!!

We are very proud to announce that...

Black Belt English has now been open for 5 years - and we currently have more than 100 students enrolled in our classes!!!

We are blessed to be running this school, as this experience has allowed us to meet some truly amazing people. We have gained so many talented and wonderful students and we have made numerous special friendships since we opened the doors in 2009.

We wish to thank each and every student and family that has shared this journey with us. We look forward to more training and studying with you this year!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Open for 3 Years!!

I can hardly believe our school has been open for three years. What a wonderful adventure it has been so far. Both the karate and English programs are thriving, and students are making noticeable progress. Our school is one of a kind, offering classes in our own unique, results-driven style. We are both blessed and honored to have such wonderful students, which now number approximately 80!!

Our karate program has added several new classes over the past year. We now have a session dedicated to very young beginners, some only 4 years old! We have also added two intermediate-level classes to help accommodate our pupils as they advance higher in the belt ranking system. Board-breaking taekwondo kicking techniques, practical self-defense skills, traditional karate-do forms, rhythmic kung-fu exercises, and safe yet challenging free sparring are all a regular part of our training sessions.

Our creative approach to teaching English has caught the attention of many across the nation. In fact, our little school was just featured in a national publication (Children's English Journal)! Combining our English language instruction with enjoyable activities (such as roleplaying, board/card games, martial arts, and academic pursuits in the humanities) is proving to be both a unique and effective method for our students to acquire useful and practical English language conversation skills.

We're excited about the future of our programs at Black Belt English and we're pleased to announce that we finally have a brand-new parking lot to accommodate our growing student numbers!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Dinner Event Comments






Thursday, April 14, 2011


空手in Englishコース:




英会話コース :



大人&子供の生徒へ: 『お喋り』な人ほど、英会話は早く上達します。クラスの時間を自分の意見(言いたいこと)で埋めましょう!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Open for Two Years!!!

Black Belt English celebrates its 2nd anniversary this month!

We now have over fifty members enjoying our classes; and we are grateful for each and every one of our students.

Karate Students

Our karate program has really evolved and improved over the past year.

The English used in the karate class seems to have greatly improved some students’ listening skills. The joy of participating in an English speaking activity has even led a few to enroll in English conversation classes as well. We are so happy to see people become more enthusiastic about learning English, or simply become more comfortable and confident in communicating with a native English speaker.

With more emphasis placed on mastery of the basics, our students’ technique and focus have improved significantly since last year. The increase in their speed and power is noticeable, and the confidence and strength they are showing in their self-defense skills is impressive.

To our Karate in English students – keep up the good work!! Remember there is no “maybe” in karate! You can choose either karate = NO or karate = YES. If you come to the dojo, be ready to give 100%! It’s the only way you will improve!

English Students

Our English conversation classes have grown significantly over the past year. We have worked hard to provide services and instruction that help fill in the gaps left by more traditional methods of teaching. Primarily, this involves our focus on listening, speaking, and USING English. Many students in Japan study the English language, but few can actually engage in activities and social functions where they can actually use the language. Our program was developed to help with that problem.

Our adult classes are geared towards having students develop the ability to carry on a natural conversation in English, while our Play and Talk program encourages younger students to communicate in English while playing different games. Each class is different, as we strive to make every one enjoyable and memorable.

To our English 4 You and Play and Talk Students – Keep talking! Instead of coming to class ready to listen and take notes --- Come to class with something to say! This is your chance to learn how to improve your English conversation skills!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Beware of martial arts politics!!

It is a sad truth that some of us have been the victims of martial arts politics. It is a hurtful and disappointing experience which can destroy friendships and damage organizations. Below I will document some of the literature and information that helped me personally make sense out of some of what I was seeing and how best to make the right decisions. If I came away from my experiences learning one important lesson, it was “judge people by their actions, not their words.”

Ego and money--pride and greed--are the very roots of politics in the martial arts. --- The Evolution of Martial Arts Politics by Gary Gabelhouse

Comments: If I had to choose the words to best describe the origin of the politics I personally witnessed in the martial arts: they would be EGO and MONEY. Beware of instructors that: 1) too often ask for extra cash beyond the normal tuition and expected equipment/testing fees – and 2) seem more focused on jockeying for position, recognition, and rank/status within the organization than the instruction and growth of their own students. If you ever hear your teacher say about himself, “A man of my stature…” or “I am such a humble person….” then I advise you to kindly walk away.

Some groups only want people that are needy and naive, so that the teacher can be kept up on a pedestal like a cult leader. --- Martial Arts Pros & Cons 1 by Terry Pollard

Comments: A good teacher, truly interested in the growth and well-being of his pupils, should always want his students to succeed. He should support and encourage them, especially once the students become teachers themselves in order to spread the art. If you encounter an instructor that continually fails to maintain a healthy relationship with his own black belts/teachers, then I advise looking elsewhere for instruction. It usually indicates an ego problem with the head instructor – one that is threatened by his own student’s successes and growth.

Heavily intertwined with martial arts cults is demanding that you adhere to either other culture's standards of behavior or to a "warrior ideal." In the more common cults it is a combination of both… What is important to notice is what is being demanded is that you adhere to the Master's interpretation of those standards, not the actual standards themselves. --- Martial Arts Cults: Authoritarian Personality by Marc MacYoung

Comments: (The above quote comes from a very enlightening article.) Beware of teachers that continually tell you what the headmaster wants or thinks – or what a person that truly understood the “Way of the Warrior” would do. Very often, such instructors are using their rank/status and connection to the headmaster to manipulate you into doing what THEY desire (often for very selfish reasons involving their ego and/or greed). If something doesn’t seem morally right (or legal for that matter!) then trust your instincts and do the right thing (which might mean saying NO to your teacher). As they say, the truth has no agenda and will set you free.

Not all instructors deserve loyalty. GIRI (Japanese for sense of duty) is a reciprocal obligation, a two-way street. Although you carry your instructor’s ON (obligation) for the training he provides, he carries your ON for your unwavering loyalty. When an instructor dishonors himself and his students, that cancels their obligation to him. --- Living the Martial Way by Forrest E. Morgan.

Comments: Beware of instructors that feel the need to repeatedly announce that students must respect their teacher and be loyal. You see such instructors often ingratiating themselves with their teacher (in order gain favor) or setting up their own students to repeat such behavior in front of you so that you will learn the “proper” way to revere and worship your instructor. True leaders serve others and therefore gain loyal followers and respect. Demanding respect and loyalty and the brainwashing, bullying, and manipulation that often accompany such acts are something you should expect from a gang or a cult, not a martial arts school. Do not let your teachers take unfair advantage of you or warp you into a dependent and weak-minded individual by perverting the concepts of respect and loyalty. True loyalty and respect requires a sincere and mutually beneficial exchange.

The Martial Arts politicians hate the very idea of “Jita Kyoei” (which can be translated as ‘you and me shining together’). They despise those of us who believe that we can live and let live, be fair, and shine together. They don’t want to live together, they want to CONTROL OTHERS. --- We Should Remember Judo Philosophy by Phil Porter

Comments: Having grown up in the environment of higher education, and having been a college teacher and administrator myself, I can tell you that a good professor wants his students to succeed and make advancements in the field of study. A good professor doesn’t try to control his students and demand that, after graduation, they send a percentage of their earnings the professor each year to show respect. He also doesn’t tell the students where they can or cannot work, who they should and should not communicate with, or restrict what they are allowed to teach and research in their own name and career. Good professors don’t do that…And neither should good martial arts instructors.

The student can learn karate from his teacher, and at the same time the student can learn a lot about life. The student should try and listen to the lessons his teacher shares, but the student needs to understand he must find his own path to enlightenment. Trying to copy his teacher too much, trying to walk/talk/live/do karate/think/etc. exactly like his teacher, can only lead to the student either repeating his teacher’s mistakes, or becoming heartbroken when he realizes his teacher isn’t perfect.

It is like a finger pointing at a beautiful sunset. The teacher is the finger – not the beautiful sun. The sunset is the principle, and that is what the student should try and see. To only look at the finger means the student will miss the best part.

The teacher can teach karate to his students, and at the same time the teacher can continue to learn as well. Just as the student should not copy the teacher, the teacher must be able to allow the student to grow and understand in his own way. The student can only find enlightenment by following his own path. If the teacher focuses on teaching and learning the principles, then his goals are pure and he never feels lonely. If the teacher focuses too much on controlling the student, then the teacher limits his student’s growth and he risks being hurt and feeling lonely when it is time for the student to seek their own understanding.

It is like a student looking at his teacher pointing to a beautiful sunset. The teacher needs to let the student turn his head and look at the beauty of the sun when he is ready, and the teacher should not feel hurt or lonely when the student is no longer looking at his teacher. If looking at the beauty of the sunset is the goal, then the teacher must let his student look away and see for himself. Then the teacher can look back at the sun again and they can enjoy it together. If the teacher continues to look at the student, the teacher will also be missing the best part. --- The Teacher and Student Relationship by Robert Knott

Comments: In struggling with a deeply troubling situation and discussing it with one of my teachers, I wrote the above essay and presented it to that teacher to use on his website. I was attempting to make sense out of what the instructor was saying to me about the student and teacher relationship, and I was inspired by the scene in the Bruce Lee film Enter the Dragon where Lee’s character is instructing his pupil and tells the young man to look at the moon --- not the finger pointing to it.

Closing comments: Studying the martial arts is a choice we make. We can choose the schools and teachers we desire to learn from. You will NEVER find the perfect teacher or style; but you can indeed find a dojo that is right for you. Studying the Martial Way is about becoming a better person – and my advice to you is to avoid teachers and schools that have forgotten this important lesson.