Saturday, July 7, 2012

Open for 3 Years!!

I can hardly believe our school has been open for three years. What a wonderful adventure it has been so far. Both the karate and English programs are thriving, and students are making noticeable progress. Our school is one of a kind, offering classes in our own unique, results-driven style. We are both blessed and honored to have such wonderful students, which now number approximately 80!!

Our karate program has added several new classes over the past year. We now have a session dedicated to very young beginners, some only 4 years old! We have also added two intermediate-level classes to help accommodate our pupils as they advance higher in the belt ranking system. Board-breaking taekwondo kicking techniques, practical self-defense skills, traditional karate-do forms, rhythmic kung-fu exercises, and safe yet challenging free sparring are all a regular part of our training sessions.

Our creative approach to teaching English has caught the attention of many across the nation. In fact, our little school was just featured in a national publication (Children's English Journal)! Combining our English language instruction with enjoyable activities (such as roleplaying, board/card games, martial arts, and academic pursuits in the humanities) is proving to be both a unique and effective method for our students to acquire useful and practical English language conversation skills.

We're excited about the future of our programs at Black Belt English and we're pleased to announce that we finally have a brand-new parking lot to accommodate our growing student numbers!